Becoming KCSA certified opens up many new avenues for further sales for your organizations products. Our kosher certification is based on optimum levels of Kosher standards and as such is an attractive drawcard to consumers. The KCSA cost for certification is also considerably more affordable than other Kosher certifying bodies. KCSA will also allow for a 4 month trial period at which point your organization may opt to withdraw, thereby not locking you into expenses over a long period of time.

KCSA will also provide substantial branding and marketing value to your organisations newly certified products enabling you to gain an introduction to the Kosher consumer.

KCSA charges companies in monthly licensing fees anywhere between R500 per month – and up to R3500 per month depending on the complexity of the factory / establishment / caterer / food service.
It is important to recognize that the model for each kind of establishment is different and that KCSA will work with each organization to find a pricing structure that is viable for you.

Caterers, Bakeries, Restaurant and Butcheries vs Factories

While caterers, bakeries, restaurants and butcheries may have certain aspects of greater complexity we are committing to keep a low monthly licensing fee in order to be able to make certification more financially viable.

These establishments would still need to have a Mashgiach present to ensure that the kashrus integrity remains at the highest levels.

In order to assist in creating sustainability KCSA Mashgiach who are directly employed by the KCSA will be involved and add value in other areas of the organization once their primary responsibilities on the kashrus side have been completed. This could be as a till operator or assistant manager in front of house or assistant manager in areas of food production. This way, not only does the Mashgiach contribute to the overall functionality of your business but the Mashgiach always has eyes in and around the business too.

While the Mashgiach is employed and paid directly by KCSA, the KCSA accounts department will forward that Mashgiach cost on to the establishment.

The KCSA will not be charging compulsory monies for labels and tape and will allow you the establishment the right to source and print your own tape and labels once the artwork etc have been approved by our logo control department.

The KCSA is also not in the business of charging you more based on scale of quantities of product but rather a fixed fee. We certify the company and the products but we do not get any “commission” for your production and sale quantities.


Factories primarily deal with mass quantities and repetitive processes and as such most factories do not require a full time Mashgiach. as such factories need not incur expenses for a salary for a Mashgiach but will nonetheless be subject to random inspections during the course of the year. These inspections are included in the monthly licensing fees.

All Factories will incur a once off non refundable deposit of R1500 to be paid with their “Get KCSA certified application” for time and resources invested in investigating the Kosher status of the ingredients, processes, finished products and relevant submitted certificates.

This does not include pre-certification site inspection costs which will incur travel expenses bill of petrol tolls and wear and tear of vehicle (and accommodation when applicable.) Any inspections post certification will be included in the monthly licensing fees.